sorry - we're full! 

Mastermind(ish) is officially closed. If you'd like to get notified if another spot opens, please add your name to the WAITING LIST below...

Where the small, but mighty come to play. 

1 person. 3 hours a day.
Earn 1K (or More) Every day. 


Are you as sick of the overpriced, high-ticket, fluffy, ego-stroking groups as i am?

Mastermind(ish) is different. And dare I say, MUCH better.

If you're here, you should already know who I am (otherwise, I'm not great at marketing!), you know my unbeatable combination of a 25 year real-world business building skillz, the ability to to simplify/teach lifestyle, my no BS style and my boyish charm :)

But Mastermind(ish) ain't about me... it's all about you.

It's about obsessively helping you build your own small, but mighty one person empire.

Something that generates (at least) 1k per day and you can run in about 3 hours a day.

So rather than waste your time with 30 pages of copy or a fake application or a high-pressure sales call led by a bro (those are fun, aren't they?), here's what Mastermind(ish) is plain English.

5 life-changing weeks.

200 non-dbags.

1 real coach.

can you say no-brainer? 

Rather than ask you to commit to a full year OR pay $10K (or more), this program 5 action-pack, life-transforming weeks. We move FAST!

You. Me. And 200 awesome, supportive entrepreneurs who want to build a super profitable lifestyle business with soul.

Yes, it's possible to build an income-generating business that actually HELPS others (and do it without hustling to death!).

And if you think your classes will be led by some 23 year old "coach" who had this pawned off on him - think again.

I'm in there with you - in the mud - leading EVERY class. Answering every question. Helping you get clarity and focus.

The reason it works so well is because of the simple yet powerful flywheel...

live weekly "what's working now" playrooms 
simple. powerful. focused.


Mastermind(ish) will remove all your overwhelm and give you a personalized success blueprint.

Every week we come on LIVE and jam in our playroom based on WHAT'S WORKING NOW!

I'm talkin' free traffic, AI-created products, cohort programs, 1-page continuity, YouTube, and so much more. 

All fresh and up-to-the-minute.

The playrooms are a hybrid of teaching, Q&As and hot seats. I'll even bring on a special rock-star guest or two with very specific knowledge on cutting-edge marketing.


your questions answered. 


In Mastermind(ish), you are not just a number and you won't be left behind.

Your questions will be answered. You'll have clarity. You'll have focus.

It all effortlessly comes together because of the power of the flywheel...

part 1: the traffic 

Traffic is your oxygen. And without new people coming into your world - even the best products, courses or memberships will die a quick death.

So the first part of each playroom is focused on the TRAFFIC part of your flywheel.

We'll dive into FREE traffic (YouTube, FB, IG and more). 

We'll also explore low-risk, high-upside paid traffic channels and campaigns.

And it's not just traffic. We'll look at front-end offers, list-building, and so much more.

part 2: the income 

The second half of each playroom is focused on INCOME.

Because your traffic is now flowin' like the river, it's time to make some money.

We'll talk everything from sales pages, copy and email...

... to courses, continuity, cohort trainings, memberships, books, micro-books, coaching and so much more.

We'll also tap into (and leverage) A.I. to create revenue (especially recurring revenue) in minutes. Seriously.

But that's not all. We'll go deep into all the new product opportunities I see emerging (like new $50+ digital products you can create with A.I.).

Oh baby, we're going to have some fun together!


My programs work. My students are happy. They get results. 

And while some marketers brag about 20% refund rates, mine are .005 (that's 1/2 of 1%!). 

Jason spent just one day with me in a mastermind, imagine what you can accomplish in our 5 weeks together? I mean....


200 awesome humans only!

No fake applications. No high-pressure sales calls. no recurring billing. No 15k pricetag.

So here's the deal... 

This is the first group and there's a strict limit on 200 people. That's it. It's not some fake scarcity play.

200 is the perfect number for strong, supportive community - yet small enough where you'll still get lots of personal attention.

We're doing this TOGETHER for 5 weeks. LIVE every week. 

We build. We make moves. And at the end, we re-evaluate.

If you loved the group ( you will) AND I loved teaching it (I will), we can come back for another session. It's totally optional.

And if you choose to not come back, that's cool. Your spot will be released and will be instantly gobbled up by someone on the waiting list.

By playing together this way, there's no pressure to you or me. The last thing either of us want (or need) is more pressure.

If you're ready to rock, hit the button below and let's get this party started...

Just One-Payment of $495.

That's It! 

There are no levels, no upsells and no stress. 

You get your FULL ticket to paradise and it includes everything in the 5 week LIVE Mastermind(ish)...

  • Unlimited access to ALL the LIVE Playrooms led by me, Ryan Lee
  • Unlimited access to ALL the RECORDED Playrooms
  • Guaranteed spot on a hot seat
  • 24/7 Access to group for support, advice, networking and guidance
  • Access to rock star guests with super-specialized marketing expertise
  • Traffic and marketing Templates
  • Worksheets and handouts
  • Surprise bonuses
  • And more...
Just Be Cool..

We have one rule in Mastermind(ish) and one rule only. Just be cool. We're all in this together. You feelin' me? 

what's the catch? 

There must be a reason why most other masterminds are 15K+ and this is just $495, right? 

Sorry, but there's no catch.

The difference is most people offering "masterminds" make ALL their income teaching... masterminds. So they must scrape and extract every penny from you as possible because it's their only source of income.

But a majority of my income (around 88%) has come from my health, fitness and nutrition companies - so I don't have to worry about charging crazy "high-ticket" prices.

(SIDE NOTE: because most of my income has been made in markets outside of "how to make money online", it's why my students are so successful. My advice has a 25 year proven track record in ALL markets!).

So feel good knowing you're getting straight-forward, actionable guidance and advice at... gulp!... a great value.

Can you say win/win?


200 awesome humans only!

No fake applications. No high-pressure sales calls. no recurring billing. no 15k pricetag.

So here's the deal... 

This is the first group and there's a strict limit on 200 people. That's it. It's not some fake scarcity play.

200 is the perfect number for strong, supportive community - yet small enough where you'll still get lots of personal attention.

We're doing this TOGETHER for 5 weeks. LIVE every week. 

We build. We make moves. And at the end, we re-evaluate.

If you loved the group ( you will) AND I loved teaching it (I will), we can come back for another session. It's totally optional.

And if you choose to not come back, that's cool. Your spot will be released and will be instantly gobbled up by someone on the waiting list.

By playing together this way, there's no pressure to you or me. The last thing either of us want (or need) is more pressure.

If you're ready to rock, hit the button below and let's get this party started...

Just One-Payment of $495.

That's It! 

There are no levels, no pressure and no stress. 

You get your FULL ticket to paradise and it includes everything in the 5 week LIVE Mastermind(ish)...

  • Unlimited access to ALL the LIVE Playrooms led by me, Ryan Lee
  • Unlimited access to ALL the RECORDED Playrooms
  • Guaranteed spot on a hot seat
  • 24/7 Access to group for support, advice, networking and guidance
  • Access to rock star guests with super-specialized marketing expertise
  • Traffic and marketing Templates
  • Worksheets and handouts
  • Surprise bonuses
  • And more...