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Hi, I'm Ryan Lee and call me crazy, but I believe in order to teach something, you must have DONE something first. I mean 🙄...

I've been creating lifestyle businesses (mostly in health and fitness) and helping others do the same since the late 90s--and exited 6 companies.

Digital courses and ebooks. Membership sites. Coaching Groups. Premium newsletters (print and digital). E-commerce. SaaS. Virtual summits. In person events. And much more.

Pardon the humblebrag, but I started creating when many other "coaches" were still on training wheels.

So after recently selling latest company (and now at a spry 51 years old), I'm focused on helping others in their 50s, 60s and beyond create an amazing "second act" business with soul.

Above are just a few of the businesses I've built over the decades... all while working from coffee shops!